Here I go again. It's time, once again to bring my negative spin to another library thing. I feel like I'm turning into the comic book guy on the Simpsons.
In theory, Zoho Writer feels like a great idea. There could be a heavy burden lifted when you can access all of your documents from any computer, anytime, anywhere. Back in my day, I had to worry about losing computer disks that stored my papers. I did lose some disks, which only adds to the stress of completing a research paper.
My only caveat with Zoho Writer is the concern with security. As a horrendously protective neurotic of my writings, I would worry about my Zoho account being hacked and exposed. I rarely shared my work to be proofread and I didn't really pay for it. I made it through school just fine without receiving much constructive criticism.
The only thing we can say on the security front is that there is no such thing as absolute security - the price of security is eternal vigilance! We are paranoid & neurotic on this ourselves, and take the responsibility you entrust us very seriously. We hope over the long term we can earn your trust.
Sridhar Vembu
Back in my college days, we didn't have ready access to computers. We did our papers on electric typewriters. Oh, do I feel old.
You are so hard to please. What exactly are you writing that you would be afraid to be exposed?
Ahhhhhh! Zoho is spying on me!
This is exactly the paranoia I was talking about.
Just chalk it up to insecurities. I don't want to run the risk of anybody telling me my writings are rubbish.
The comment from Zoho is hilarious. Who knew they would be trolling blogger? I didn't like my work getting proofread either.
I'm glad someone is having a laugh. I'm totally freaking out man!
You better not say anything else about Zoho. They might show up where you least expect it. Ha!
Sridhar Vembu.....that's a nefarious sounding name as I've ever heard before.
Did you know that Sridhar Vembu is the founder and CEO of AdventNet, the company behind Zoho? He also has a blog.
Mr. Vembu needs some pretty pictures on his blog!
Yah, it definitely needs something.
Definitely some lol cats or Care Bear pics ;-)
Really? I was thinking about an Office theme since he is the CEO of his company.
Yeah, I suppose the Office theme would be the more reasonable and practical route. But this time, I think he should think outside the box and go with my idea ^_^
Nuh-uh. It would be way funnier with The Office.
"We have learned that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. Because it’s illegal. And you will go to jail."
"Happy birthday Jesus. Sorry your party sucks."
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