Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I have a secret lover and she's a perfect 10!

Meet the woman of my wildest dreams. *Jaw dropping to the floor*

She is the epitome of the sacred feminine. She is the reincarnation of Aphrodite. She had me at "lucky you." She is.....well, you get the idea.

"Baby I'm a want you, Baby I'm a need you."
(Isn't Bread the greatest band ever??????)


miss staff said...
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miss staff said...

Wow, your secret lover is much better than mine. Maybe it is time to upgrade. That Rick Astley video scared the crap out of me. Not funny, p2p, not funny. *shakes head*

Page2Peon said...

Don't fret, you'll find somebody better. You're definitely a 9.9. You receive a tenth of a point deduction for liking the ponies a bit too much!

I've been Rick Rolled about 10 times. Every one of them has felt sooooooo good!

miss staff said...

Only a tenth of a point off for ponies? Very generous.

Page2Peon said...

Well, I was grading on a curve, so maybe that's what put you over the top. It's not the most scientifc approach, so there's probably a heavy margin of error. ;-)